100 Rice Fields

About a 10 minute drive from the Hotel Casino on top of the mountain is (are) the 100 Rice fields.  You’ll have to pay to go to this one (sometimes)…  About $1.

A relatively flat ride on top of the mountain.  You’ll pass the pitcher plants in the fields,  and a set of rocks made for selfies.

The road ends more than a few kilometers after entering, and you’ll see a big sign advising to walk 500 meters to the waterfall.  (we haven’t made it there yet.)

To find the rock formations, look for a stacks of rocks on the sides of the road.  You can walk out here and make your own design as well.  Which if you make it strong, will last the next 10,000 years, so others can enjoy as well.

The pitcher plants,  (known as penis flowers or “P’ka Bong K’daw” in Khmer), you’ll have to look a little harder.  After the rock formations going in, look in the fields on both sides of the road for a patch of yellow or red.  Just park and go take a look.


Pitcher Plant on Bokor Mountain

big nose statue big nose statue Yeay Mao Statue on Bokor Mountain